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Social Ads and Campaigns


The stories behind your company and the products you sell

Influencer Marketing Campaigns

We’ve got a network of influencers ready to help boost your brand’s visibility and engagement. We’ll team up with influencers who really connect with what your brand is all about, making sure your message hits home with your target audience. Together, we’ll come up with campaigns that make a real impact and get results that matter.

Content Creation and Curation

Our team knows how to create content that fits your brand’s aesthetics and speaks directly to your audience. Whether it’s eye-catching visuals or compelling writing, we’ll make sure your content stands out in the online world. We deliver a steady flow of top-notch content across all your platforms, keeping your audience engaged and looking for more.

Authentic Engagement and Community Building

Building a community around your brand is key. Together, we’ll find or grow a group of loyal fans by producing educational and/or entertaining content pillars based around your brand. We’ll help you build real connections with your audience through genuine engagement.


Done-for-you Social Media Growth

Social Media Advertising Management

Let’s talk about getting the most out of your advertising budget on social media. We’ll plan out your campaigns strategically and make sure your ads are reaching the right people, at the right time, on the right platforms. By constantly tweaking and testing, we’ll make sure you’re getting the ROI, driving real results that you can measure.

Social Media Analytics and Reporting

Ever wondered how your social media efforts are really paying off? We’ll provide you with detailed reports on how your campaigns are performing, what key performance indicators (KPIs) you should be focusing on, and actionable insights to improve your strategies. By keeping a close eye on the numbers and spotting trends, we’ll work with you to make sure your social media efforts are always hitting the mark and helping you reach your business goals.


All killer no filler ideas

Social media advertising can be complex, with constantly evolving algorithms, targeting options, and ad formats.

We’re all about using data to drive results you can actually measure. Whether you want more people visiting your website, leads pouring in, or conversions skyrocketing, our team knows how to make it happen. We’ll fine-tune your ad spend to get the most bang for your buck, handling everything from creating the perfect ad to targeting the right audience and tracking performance every step of the way.

Facebook Ads

Struggling to get noticed on Facebook? Our Facebook Ads make it easy to connect with the people who matter most to your business. We’ll create campaigns that grab attention and get results, leaving you free to focus on growing your food and beverage business while we take care of the advertising.


Instagram Ads

Want to make a splash on Instagram? Our Instagram Ads services are designed to make sure your brand stands out in the crowd. With eye-catching visuals and compelling messaging, we’ll create ads that speak to your audience, driving up engagement and conversions for your brand.


Experience Unmatched Support and Expertise

Our team of expert collaborators and communicators provides the assistance you need every step of the way. With our love for food & beverage companies, our team ensures a streamlined production and dedicated support from start to finish. We collaborate closely with you, leveraging our expertise to bring the vision to life efficiently.

Contact us

Let's Talk

We may not have all the answers, but we have the right questions.

How a short call might go, for example:

  • We talk about your current situation and possible goals
  • We identify problems, concerns and questions you have
  • We discuss ways and best practices to set up your brand the way you envision it
  • We tie the conversation together by giving you an action step that you can implement immediately, no matter how the call goes

Social Media & Ads

How can your agency help my food and beverage business scale on social media platforms?

At SLAP, we understand the nuances of the food and beverage industry and leverage our expertise to help your business scale on social media platforms effectively. We develop customized strategies designed to increase brand awareness, drive engagement, and ultimately boost sales. By creating visually compelling content, implementing targeted advertising campaigns, and fostering meaningful interactions with your audience, we can elevate your brand presence and help you achieve your growth objectives.

Can you help me leverage influencer marketing to promote my food and beverage business?

Absolutely. Influencer marketing can be a powerful tool for amplifying your brand’s reach and credibility on social media. We have extensive experience collaborating with influencers in the food and beverage space to create authentic, impactful partnerships. From identifying the right influencers whose values and audience align with your brand to managing outreach, negotiations, and campaign execution, we handle every aspect of influencer marketing to ensure a seamless and successful collaboration that drives results for your business.

What sets your agency apart from other social media marketing agencies?

What sets SLAP apart is our unique blend of creativity, expertise, and dedication to client success. We take a personalized approach to every project, taking the time to understand your brand identity, goals, and target audience. Our team consists of seasoned professionals with a proven track record of delivering results for businesses in the food and beverage industry. We prioritize transparent communication, collaboration, and innovation to ensure that our clients receive unparalleled service and achieve tangible business outcomes.

How do you ensure that my social media marketing efforts align with my brand's identity?

Maintaining brand consistency is paramount in social media marketing, especially in the food and beverage industry where visual appeal and brand perception are crucial. At SLAP, we work closely with you to develop a comprehensive understanding of your brand’s identity, values, and aesthetic preferences. We then tailor our content creation and strategy development efforts to align seamlessly with your brand, ensuring that every post, caption, and interaction reflects your unique voice and resonates with your target audience.

Do you provide analytics and reporting to track the performance of my social media campaigns?

Yes, we do. We believe in the importance of data-driven decision-making. That’s why we provide comprehensive analytics and reporting to track the performance of your social media campaigns. Our team leverages advanced analytics tools to monitor key metrics such as engagement, reach, impressions, click-through rates, and conversions. We then translate this data into actionable insights and recommendations to continuously optimize your strategy and drive meaningful results for your business.

How do you approach content creation for social media marketing?

Content creation is at the heart of effective social media marketing, and we take a design first approach to crafting compelling content that captivates your audience. We start by conducting thorough research to understand your target audience’s preferences, interests, and pain points. Armed with this insight, we develop creative concepts and content pillars that align with your brand’s messaging and objectives. Whether it’s eye-catching visuals, engaging captions, or hooking reels, we create content that sparks conversations, fosters community engagement, and drives action.

What is the process for getting started with your social media marketing services?

Getting started with us is simple. We begin with an initial consultation to discuss your business goals, target audience, current social media presence, and marketing objectives. Based on this information, we develop a customized proposal outlining our recommended strategy, services, and pricing. Once the proposal is approved, we kick off the onboarding process, where we gather assets, set up accounts, and align on timelines and deliverables. From there, our team works tirelessly to execute your social media marketing strategy and deliver exceptional results for your business.